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NCM Blog

Welcome to our NCM BLOG page where we will address timely investment and financial planning topics...

How NOT to Invest in Options! Thumbnail

How NOT to Invest in Options!

As we have written about many times, options trading is exploding on Wall Street and, unsurprisingly, Wall Street is finding fresh ways to capitalize on this frenzy. One particular product becoming extremely popular is called “0DTE” options; that is, options that have zero days to expiration….

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Health & Wealth Check-Up Thumbnail

Health & Wealth Check-Up

It is important that we care for ourselves when it comes to our health, but what lessons can be applied to both our physical and financial wellbeing? Read more for some important considerations…

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Is the Bear Hibernating….or Just Resting? Thumbnail

Is the Bear Hibernating….or Just Resting?

Last Thursday the S&P 500 closed above the threshold that marked its exit from the longest bear market since 1948. To be clear, this was not the worst bear market in terms of percentage declines, but it was the longest in terms of days; this bear market lasted 248 trading days. Now, investors are questioning: “Are we really out of the bear market or is this just a head fake?”

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