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NCM Blog

Welcome to our NCM BLOG page where we will address timely investment and financial planning topics...

"No One's Crazy" Thumbnail

"No One's Crazy"

“Your personal experiences with money make up maybe .000000001% of what’s happened in the world, but maybe 80% of how you think the world works.” This, of course, addresses a powerful question: When it comes to investing, how much influence do our past experiences have on our current attitudes/strategies? (Housel, Morgan, The Psychology of Money 2020)

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2024 - Financial Planning Updates to Consider... Thumbnail

2024 - Financial Planning Updates to Consider...

The start of a new year provides a fresh beginning for many things, but should also come with a review of important financial matters that may require annual updates. We discuss some items you should consider in this blog…

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Charlie Munger Quotes - Investing Lessons to Heed! Thumbnail

Charlie Munger Quotes - Investing Lessons to Heed!

Today, everyone has access to the same information instantaneously, and it’s a much more competitive game. However, compounding very solid returns over multiple decades with a very easy to understand philosophy and strategy IS legendary! Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett ARE legendary. Sadly, Munger (Buffett’s long-time partner in Berkshire Hathaway) passed away last week at 99 years old, just a month before his 100th birthday.

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Top 4 Investments to AVOID! Thumbnail

Top 4 Investments to AVOID!

In this blog, we list the top 4 investments we think most investors should AVOID. While we favor uncomplicated and low-cost investing strategies, there are other investments---even some which we may not use in our own practice--that we still recognize as being useful. However, there are far more others that we feel are too costly, too complicated and, ultimately, unsuitable for the average investor.

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Essential Estate Planning Documents and the Pitfalls to Avoid! Thumbnail

Essential Estate Planning Documents and the Pitfalls to Avoid!

Sometimes in life we learn best from our mistakes, but you don’t want to learn what could be a very hard (and even very expensive) lesson from mistakes made during your estate planning process. In this blog, we will cover the importance of creating an estate plan, the essential estate planning documents as well as some estate planning pitfalls.

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